Panic Time

“OMG, where’s that damn check?!”

In order to recoup that $2,900 we gave to the fence contractor who never showed up, no longer answers the phone, and has closed his office, I thought it wise to send a formal demand letter prior to instituting a Small Claims action.  I wanted to include a copy of the contract and copy of the cancelled deposit check, because I assume the contractor has probably “lost” the files for all his angry customers.

Reviewing my checkbook, I found no entries for that check.  I know I gave that down payment!  Did I forget to write the entry in the check register?  No, the checkbook balances…

I went online with my bank and searched by date, amount, and name of payee – and found nothing!

Surely I didn’t pay cash to that guy ?!  And fail to get a receipt ?!

Oh, wait, I have another account, through my credit union.

So, I checked my credit union account register – nothing.  I went online with my credit union – nothing.

Now I was getting panicky.  What if I couldn’t prove I ever paid that deposit?

As I felt my guts tightening for another bout of stress-induced colitis, it suddenly occurred to me:  credit card!

Sometimes I use the credit card simply to have a better record of a payment and the option of being able to reverse the charge if something goes wrong.  Then I pay the credit card off the following day.

Yes! That’s what I did with the fence contractor.  The online record shows the transaction!

Immediately, I called the credit card company and initiated the paperwork to dispute the charge.  Hopefully, in time I will be able to get at least some of that deposit back.

Next, I drove to the post office and sent the demand letter by both regular mail and certified mail/return receipt requested (’cause I’m ever the optimist and just know that receipt will be signed and returned).

Meanwhile, Puppy Cody – the Ever Vigilant – guards our non-fenced property against any potential invaders.

Or not.  Puppy Cody apparently believes princesses do not need to earn their keep.  And she’s probably right, the little minx.

How’s it by you?


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Images by Cordelia’s Mom


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31 Responses to Panic Time

  1. Dan Antion says:

    I hope the credit card company can help you on this one. Puppy Cody probably was one eye open and an ear to the wind. That’s what I always say about the dogs we’ve had. Always on duty.


  2. Just a thought : some credit cards offer protection against disputes such as yours. If you have not received the service or goods you have paid for, some will reclaim the payment and recredit you. Good luck.


  3. markbialczak says:

    It hopefully will be a good thing that you paid the deposit to the no-goodskie by credit card, CM. Knock on wood! (But not a fence post.)
    Cody looks a lot like her cousin Ellie.


  4. Vicky V says:

    I hope the credit card company can do something.
    Puppy Cody looks so cute on the couch 🙂


  5. Jane says:

    I can just imagine what was going through your mind trying to find it. I would have been crazed.


  6. Using that credit card might get you the results you want…good luck. Cody looks so comfy on that couch.


  7. Tippy Gnu says:

    Looks like plastic money might just save your bacon. I’m interested in seeing how this turns out. And I have my fingers crossed for you.


  8. joey says:

    I’m glad you found it!
    We’re into our ‘petty cash’ pretty frequently lately. We’ve discovered the schools like to sit on checks for oh, about a hundred years (6-8 weeks) and we have started doling out cash instead. Petty’s pretty broke, but at least we know when it’s gone! 🙂


  9. prior.. says:

    hope it all works out and I have heard that a cc is the way to go for just this kind of reason – and seriously hope this crook doe snot get away with it


  10. Aww…Puppy Cody looks too cute in that photo. You need no fence, CM. Puppy Cody provides the best de-fence. But I hope you get your refund soon though. ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡


  11. Archon's Den says:

    I hope this all ends well for you. Credit card companies have super-powers that we individuals don’t possess. 🙂
    The company that we chose to replace all our windows had already declared bankruptcy – a fact that the owner failed to mention – even though he was legally required to. He supplied in-stock material, and used our money to pay off the installation crew. It all ended well, except that I got an accountant from the receivership company delivering a small can of touch-up paint. 😯


    • Yikes. You were lucky that worked out ok. I suspect the fence guy’s next step will be to declare bankruptcy, both personally and for his company. Hopefully, I can get the refund before that happens.


  12. Well, at least there IS a chance you’ll get your money back from the credit company. These guys usually don’t take credit cards and checks ARE cash once cashed. Good luck with that!


    • I’ll take all the luck I can get, Marilyn. Meanwhile, Cody gets walks – and I must say, she’s been a real trooper in the recent winter weather. She seems to just know when the walks are slippery and I need to go slower, and she adapts. This morning, she even did her business right at the end of our own property so we could come right back in. Good dog!


  13. Pingback: Winter Just Got A Little Warmer | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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