The Day That Wasn’t



I had great plans for my Saturday, after the usual hellish work week.

But I woke up sick.  Not sick as in having the flu.  Not sick as in, Now that’s a flare-up!  Just sick as in, Everything hurts and I can’t function!

Every joint in my body ached, my guts and back hurt, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open.  I had planned to do intensive cleaning, catch up on bills, and maybe write a post or two – none of that happened.

After sleeping in, I managed to drag my ass out of bed and have breakfast.  Then I took a nap on the couch.  Next, I fiddled on the computer a bit, but found I couldn’t focus on the screen – so I went upstairs, climbed into bed, and took a longer nap.

It was time for Puppy Cody’s walk.  Normally, we take her in the car over to the track at the school, and then we all get a good half-hour’s brisk walk around the track and around the school.  Saturday, I managed to get into the car, but that was it.  I napped in the back seat while Cody and Dad got their exercise.


Now it was time for dinner.  Fortunately, hubby is perfectly capable of feeding himself, because all I could handle was a bowl of nuked soup and a croissant.  Then I took another  nap on the couch.

Another short stint on the computer, mainly catching up on other people’s blogs, and it was early bedtime – barely 9:00 pm!  While normally, I’m up several times during the night (thank you, colitis), today I slept like a dead person until 6:45 am, when Cody needed to go out for her morning business.  After that, it was back to bed until almost 10:00 am.

But I must say, I’m feeling much better (you’ll note I managed to stay awake to write this post – yay!).

Will I get that deep cleaning done today?  Probably not.  No need to push myself, right? And we have a date for dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend – this date was cancelled when said daughter had some medical issues a couple of weeks ago, and then cancelled again last week because she wasn’t feeling up to it.  It would be very inconsiderate of me to cancel today – so I’ll just take it a little easy until dinner time.  That’s not to say that I won’t at least dust and clean the bathroom – I’m not that much of a slob!

I guess my body was telling me that I’ve had enough stress for the time being and it was time to take an enforced break.  Sometimes it’s wise to listen to one’s body.

Tomorrow, I go back for another week from hell.  Only 558 days to Social Security!  Hubby and I are taking bets as to whether I’ll make it that long.


I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Facebook or Twitter pages, or email me at


Images by Cordelia’s Mom



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42 Responses to The Day That Wasn’t

  1. Dan Antion says:

    I hope you’re feeling better for dinner, and well-enough for work.


  2. Victo Dolore says:

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. That sound miserable. I am so sorry.


  3. Tippy Gnu says:

    Obviously you have sleeping sickness. The cure is in getting plenty of rest. I recommend taking next week off. (And that will put you 7 days, or 1.3%, closer to Social Security).


  4. Hope you feel better soon. I had an instance where I slept for almost the entire weekend for no apparent reason.


  5. Hope you’re feeling better soon.


  6. Garry’s been sick for more than a week. It’s going around. Kids in school, adults, everyone. I’m afraid to go anywhere because we are supposed to be going on vacation next week … and unless I cancel by tomorrow, we pay for it regardless. I hate when this happens. And it seems to happen ever year, just around this time. Feel better. Soon. It will give me hope!


    • Yeah. My daughter, the one we’re having dinner with, told me she’s been fighting a cold. I almost cancelled for just that reason. I’ll just make sure she sits on the far side of the table and doesn’t sneeze on me, good mother that I am.


  7. joey says:

    Sounds like you were fighting somethin and definitely needed rest like whoa! Fighting with auto-immune does that sometimes, I know. Those days are not my favorite and I panic on top of that, because even though my rational brain understands it’s just a bad day, my panic disorder prefers to tell me I’m dying. Bleh.
    I’m glad you’re feeling better 🙂 I hope you have a good week!


  8. You know what, we strain ourselves too much most of the time so sometimes this sick feeling is just our body demanding more rest than it usually gets.


  9. Elyse says:

    That was exactly what happened to me on Monday.


  10. Diana says:

    Got a chuckle out of this one! Because I can relate and feel the same way, at times. thanks for being so real and honest! Love that about bloggers! Get so damn sick of the fake crap from people on FB and other social media! It’s nice to meet real people talking about real things in life in blogs. Blogging is so much more interesting and exciting when it’s so rich with the truth, the beauty as well as all that goes wrong. 🙂


    • Thanks, Diana. I’m guessing you meant to leave this particular comment on the prior post, “Fickle Fans” – since that one actually dealt with blogging. But I appreciate the fact that you came to visit and comment (again) – I imagine you read so many of my recent posts that you just got a little confused for a moment. No problem there. It’s the interaction that counts.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi CM, what you need is an epsom salt bath and a glass of red wine. Cheers to you for better health and more laughter…ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


  12. willowdot21 says:

    I do hope you are better soon CM try to take it easier your body is wise !


  13. Jane says:

    I too had one of those days to push through, so I get it. You did the best thing you could for yourself. I am sorry the new job makes you hate your week. That is a tough place to be. I keep looking but not sure I up to a new job at this point in my life. Wishing you well and wealth!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jane. Believe me, if I could find a way to support myself without this job, I would, but I don’t have any 401K or pension, and I have another year-and-a-half to Social Security. At that point, I can get a part-time job.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Sometimes nature has a way of forcing you to stop. Rest up and take care (you’ll make those 500+ days easily)


  15. flareuphope says:

    Hope you’re feeling better!!!


  16. Pingback: Screams in the Night II: When the Doctor Is Right | Cordelia's Mom, Still

  17. Pingback: This Year’s Non-Christmas | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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