Because I Could (Plus: When It’s No Longer Fun)


The booster shots for the COVID-19 vaccines are here!

CDC is recommending boosters be received 8 months after the second dose of the initial vaccination.  However, people who are immune compromised due to certain conditions or medications are encouraged to receive the booster now.

Being on Remicade (and being old), my doctor said I was eligible for the booster, so I got mine yesterday.  Easy peasy.  No appointment needed.  I simply walked into my local Wegmans store, went to the pharmacy, and got my Moderna shot.  Since my records were already there from the first two doses, I didn’t even need to fill out paperwork; I was only required to show my vaccination card and to sign a form attesting to my Remicade therapy.

I’ve heard that the booster shots are only half the dose of  the prior two shots.  I don’t know if that’s true, but the syringe did look a little smaller.  Of course, that may simply have been my own mind comforting me.  Regardless, the shot was totally painless, just like the first two, and was over in a nanosecond.

The pharmacist provided the usual information on after effects, such as sore arm and mild flu-like symptoms, which I had heard before.  However, he also advised that in a case like mine, where I had no after effects from either of the first two doses, I should anticipate that the third dose might hit a little harder.  He suggested that I not make any plans for the following day.

So far, so good.  My upper arm is a little sorer than it was the first two times, and it seems slightly swollen.  I do feel tired and fairly achy all over, enough so that I’ve suspended my plans to go out to trim bushes and weed in front of the house today.  Which is unfortunate because it’s starting to look like a jungle out there – all that rain recently!

Over the last year or so, I find that I don’t have the energy for that yard work.  Believe me, I would be happy to pay some college kid or unemployed person $50 just to do it for me every few months, but there’s no one like that in my neighborhood – or at least no one that would be willing to do that work.  Landscaping services are too expensive, and too intrusive.  Guess those bushes are going to stay shaggy for at least another week.  Ah well.

Thankfully, we seldom get visitors and thus far I’ve managed to keep the bushes trimmed enough so they don’t look too bad when viewed from the street.  There are other houses that look worse than mine.

And I’m sticking with that story.



For those of you who may have noticed the extended lag time between  my  posts:

I’ve always  said that when blogging was no longer fun, I would stop  doing it.  What with all the WordPress “upgrades” and the fact that I seldom have anything new to say, I believe I’ve come to that point.

I managed to boost my enthusiasm when I started taking and posting my own photos, but it wasn’t very long before I realized that pretty much anyone with a cell phone can take better pictures than I can.  Photography, like blogging, has become too much work for the benefit I get out of it.

Not to say that I will stop completely.  I intend to keep this site (and the mirror site) open for those of you who wish to spend time reading all those wonderful posts from my earlier years.  From time to time, I may add a new post, should I have something to say or if I take a photo that’s share-worthy.  But it won’t be often.

When time permits (those crocheted afghan orders are keeping me very busy, yay me!), I hope to catch up, and comment,  on everyone else’s posts.  I’ve made so many friends here and would miss you all if I didn’t keep in touch.  Those of you who feel the same can also email me at  I do check that email daily.

See you around, folks.  Get your booster shot when you’re eligible, and everyone:  stay safe and healthy!



I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Facebook or Twitter pages, or email me at
Images by Cordelia’s Mom/TeddyRosalieStudio

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27 Responses to Because I Could (Plus: When It’s No Longer Fun)

  1. Carol says:

    I think I’m where you are with blogging – my site is open and will remain so, but for me to want to sit down and actually write something to post on it seems to be happening rarely. Not much to say unless I opt to rant about the too many things that make me want to rant, and I really am weary of doing that. One day at a time, take it as it comes, all those platitudes.


  2. Marc Beebe says:

    I’d love a booster shot, what with the scourge rampaging through our population of unvaccinated idiots now. But no dice. Not yet.
    As for the blog … yeah they have made it problematic. I can’t edit after I’ve posted something now, so no fixing typos! C’est la blog?


  3. You and a few others are in the “I’ve done what I’ve come to do” boat about blogging. Plus it’s Summer (here) and for a lot of people that means doing things outdoors rather than sitting at a keyboard. I’m glad you got your booster, I’ll have to look into that. I’ll watch for your posts when you’re motivated. And about the photography? Cee Neuner (the flower photo lady) has the best advice about that on her site. Your pictures were fine. We are our worst critics. Take care sweetie and see you around! 🙂


    • Thanks, Melanie. I’ve really lost most of my interest in photography, although should I be out somewhere with my camera and happen to come across that prize-winning shot, I’ll be sure to share. I have had some photos picked up and used by other sites, so I know they’re not all that bad. I just don’t have the motivation any more.


  4. I hope we’ll see some post from you in the future, even to catch up on Puppy Cody. Glad you got your third shot. We are hoping to have ours in a few months and now we are with a proper surgery, can’t see a problem. Already we are on their list for flu jabs when they are available. Keep safe and take care.


  5. Dan Antion says:

    I’m glad you were able to get the shot. I hope the side effects remain minimal. Blogging should be fun. Actually, any activity you choose to do should be fun, or lucrative, I suppose (no first hand experience with that). I hope you have a nice weekend. Those bushes will be there on Monday.


  6. Oh yeah, it’s good that you’re taking a break once you feel that it’s not giving you much satisfaction. Here’s to rejuvenating and coming back stronger if you choose to!


  7. Newbloggycat says:

    I would love to help you with the yard work but I’m on the other side of the world. You’re a good photographer, CM…and all the photos you have posted in your blog are so amazing. Looking forward to more shots! Lol! 😻🌈


  8. markbialczak says:

    I’m glad you got that booster, CM. I am about two months and believe-you-me counting to the day I am eligible to receive mine.
    Stay safe.
    Be happy.
    Enjoy your hubby and sweet puppy Cody.
    Thank you for all the joy and comfort you’ve given me with your words and photographs and friendship.
    Cheers, CM. You know where to find me.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. willowdot21 says:

    I hope you are feeling better after the booster shot.
    Pop in whenever CM I am always glad to see you in my mail.
    Vlad the impossible sends his regards.💜💜


  10. Pingback: Looking Back | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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