Old[er] Age

The day started off wonderfully.

I had just gone to a 3-day work week, with Thursday and Friday as my off days.  This particular Thursday, the late-summer weather was absolutely gorgeous, and I was well rested.  I did three loads of laundry, then went for a much-needed haircut – to a great new stylist close to home, who didn’t charge a fortune for a simple cut.  On the way home, I drove through the car wash.  Once home, I cleaned the dashboard and windows in my car, and then took Puppy Cody into the yard to enjoy the sunshine.  The neighbors’ kids entertained Cody by throwing frisbees over the fence for her.  Having now had plenty of exercise, and having done her “business”, Cody was tuckered out – she would not need that daily evening walk.  And since I had been feeling sluggish and having some trouble walking any distance lately, that was just fine with me.

Hubby was still at work, and my chores were done.  Although I had breakfast at 7:30 am, I had no real interest in lunch.  So, I sat at my computer browsing the web and playing videogames.  Long ’bout 4:30 p.m., I started to feel a bit weird and figured it was hunger, so I grabbed a single slice of American cheese.

Hubby came home about 4:45 p.m.  When I stood up, I felt a bit dizzy.  After awhile, the dizziness became worse and was now accompanied by some nausea, so I took an antihistamine/decongestant to combat that.

The medication didn’t help.  Then the vomiting started.  And I was down for the count.

When this situation hadn’t abated after an hour or more, hubby started asking if I wanted to “go somewhere” for help.  I refused.  Surely, things would settle down if only I stayed still.

So, I sat in bed in a dark room, but every time I moved, the nausea and vomiting returned.  I started taking sips of water and nibbling on saltines, and eventually the vomiting stopped, but the dizziness remained.  I even fell asleep for about 20 minutes, but upon waking, I simply didn’t feel right.

At that point, I gave up.  It was near 9:00 p.m. and we headed off to the emergency room.

Thank heavens, the COVID-19 rush has eased.  I was in a bed in the ER within 5 minutes, hooked up to monitors.  By the time I had arrived at the ER, my vomiting had stopped and the dizziness had dimmed to merely room-tilting whenever I stood up.  However, my blood pressure on arrival was 181/92!  Because of chest tightness and left-sided achiness, a chest x-ray and EKG were done, and I was given a tablet of nitroglycerine (I guess because I’m not explosive enough …).  It was agreed that I would be kept overnight so as to undergo a stress test and brain MRI in the morning.  At the end of the stress test, my blood pressure was 196/100 (“Bingo!“).

After all was said and done, it was determined that I had not had a heart attack, nor did I have a stroke.  It was merely a hypertensive crisis.  I came home from the hospital with a prescription for amlodipine, a blood pressure medication – a medication I had been avoiding for years despite borderline high blood pressure.  I had avoided it because I knew once on blood pressure medication, you can never simply stop it.  But now was not the time to worry about that.

I must say that despite being sick, the hospital experience wasn’t overly stressful.  All the nurses and doctors were caring and efficient; my hospital roommate was a very quiet lady about my age who kept her TV low enough that it could not be heard past her bed; and my primary doctor’s medical group has a policy whereby they use “hospitalists” to monitor patient care while in the hospital.  The hospitalist is a doctor, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner who only sees patients in the hospital, but communicates with the primary and any specialists who might be involved.

Having been given a brochure explaining hospitalist care while I was in the ER, I was a bit concerned that a hospitalist would be aloof and would do everything possible to get a patient out of the hospital no matter what, to decrease hospital costs.  But the opposite was true.  My hospitalist, a doctor, took great care to make sure I had whatever tests were needed, and took extensive time discussing my care with me.  She was comforting, professional, and personable.  My primary later told me that the hospitalist was in constant contact with him throughout my hospitalization.  And, I didn’t have to tolerate the daily doctor parade, otherwise known as morning rounds, since my hospitalist coordinated all care and communication between the medical professionals.

All in all, a good hospital experience.

Not that I ever want to do it again, of course.

To make a long story shorter, I’m home now and feeling 100% better.  After just a few days on my new blood pressure medication, I’m walking better and not feeling sluggish.  In fact, I no longer feel like that elderly, decrepit lady I’ve been for the last few months.  Guess I was sick after all and just didn’t realize it, or refused to acknowledge it.

The point of this story, if there is a point, is this:  If for some reason you simply aren’t feeling right, whether physically or mentally, perhaps it’s time to see a professional.  While no one wants to be labeled as a hypochondriac, ignoring symptoms seldom turns out well.

Happy Thursday, folks.  For me, it’s the start of the weekend already, and I intend to enjoy every minute of it.


I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Facebook or Twitter pages, or email me at cordeliasmom2012@yahoo.com
Images by Cordelia’s Mom/TeddyRosalieStudio

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32 Responses to Old[er] Age

  1. Tippy Gnu says:

    What a scary experience. I was thinking stroke, and maybe it would have become a stroke if you hadn’t gone to the ER. Taking bp medicine on a regular basis is no fun, but it beats the alternative. I hope you continue to stay well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Carol says:

    I’m glad you’re feeling better and it wasn’t anything major. Scary was bad enough.


  3. trentpmcd says:

    Wow, that is scary high! Glad the meds are returning you closer to normal.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OMG, scary, but glad you’re OK.
    My nosebleeds were to do with high blood pressure, and I started taking a garlic capsule every day. The tablets give me indigestion, but the oil capsule is good and my BP is stable at around 135/70. Might that work for you? Hubby started taking them last year and they worked for him too.
    Just a thought. Take care.


  5. Marc Beebe says:

    Whoa. Not good! 196/100 is no longer “borderline”; it’s over the border and moved into the next country! Okay so one more thing you have to keep up with and keep an eye on. Because life keeps dealing us hands we don’t want to play.


  6. Whew. Glad you got checked and a diagnosis. Despite efforts, sometimes a bit of meds can make all the difference. Take care and enjoy the weekend!


  7. markbialczak says:

    I hope this new med does its job and you feel well again, CM. Don’t mess around and wait so Long feeling not OK!


  8. Jane Fritz says:

    Wow, so glad everything worked out OK. I had similar no numbers in Dec and it took several different unpleasant attempts before my doc and I arrived at a mes that would bring the be down enough but not cause unbelievably unacceptable side effects. I had started to think that I’d rather take my chances in a stroke! So excellent that you started feeling much better right away. Embrace this new addition to your daily routine and enjoy feeling like yourself again.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Whoa, that’s a scary one, CM! Just yesterday, my daughter’s math teacher had a stroke and I think she’s probably in her late thirties. So glad you’re feeling much better now. Do take good care of yourself. (*^▽^)/


  10. Jane says:

    Take care of yourself. And your message is so important. When you feel off, get it checked out.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. socialbridge says:

    Glad to hear you’re feeling a lot better and thanks for the word of warning. x

    Liked by 1 person

  12. AmyRose🌹 says:

    Thank goodness you are all right, CM. And it gives me a sense of relief to know your hospital stay was positive. Which hospital was it? My neighbor had a horrible experience on the other hand at a hospital that when I heard how this man was treated, my blood boiled. I am positive it all depends where you go these days for I’ve seen horrible behavior and then I’ve seen absolutely wonderful behavior. I think this time in history is doing one of two things …. bringing the best out in people or just the opposite … the absolute worse. Hope you are up to getting Fall pictures soon! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amy, I was at Suburban. Everyone there was wonderful, but of course, the pandemic has slowed down and I got in quickly (the fact that we all thought I was having a hear attack might have speeded things up a bit, too). My son-in-law, however, was recently at Buffalo General, and his experience was horrendous. Extremely long wait time (he was in Level 10 pain), snotty medical personnel, and when he finally got sent to the floor from the ER, they didn’t have a room and expected him to lie on a cart in the hallway for several hours. Fortunately, his symptoms abated and he was released shortly thereafter.

      Liked by 2 people

      • AmyRose🌹 says:

        It is HORRIBLE how some hospitals are treating patients, CM. It makes me gnash my teeth and want to scream. Thank you for telling me about Buff General and where you went. My neighbor was at Mercy. Do NOT go there. Medicine in general is treating people inhumanely and it makes my stomach sick! My own GP office was closed for 3 months during this pandemic! Can you imagine? My opinion of medicine is not good these days. I avoid it as much as I can. SOOOOO happy for you that you were treated kindly. That in of itself gives me hope for these other hospitals that are being ruthless to others.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I was very impressed with Buffalo Medical Group and the way they coordinated care between the hospital and my own physicians. Sure, it takes forever to get through by phone, but at least they’re open and available, and always professional and courteous. I’m glad I switched over from my last doctor (who failed to diagnose a family member’s ruptured appendix – which I think should be Diagnostics 101).

          Liked by 2 people

  13. Pingback: Looking Back | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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