Rain, Rain, Go Away


The good new is – the snow seems to have stopped finally.

The bad news is – it’s been raining on and off ever since, with only an occasional warm spring day thrown in just to tease us.  At my house, we plan to put the annual plants in tomorrow, with help from our daughter who “loves to play in the dirt” (in her own words).  Hopefully, the forecast will be correct that it will be a sunny day, although a little coolish in the low-50s (Fahrenheit).

With optimism in my heart, I went out and purchased the plants and the mulch.  We’ll see what happens.

Prior to that, however, I made my usual Friday rounds:  first, the library to get my books for the week, then a stroll through Walton Woods Park.

Did I mention that it’s been raining?  The benches were all either unreachable due to the water, or placed such that one would have to tromp through mud to get to them.  I figured my stroll would be a short one if I couldn’t sit down at intervals.

But then I saw the geese.  A whole family of geese.  And they were hanging out just down the path. How could I resist?

Mama and papa goose kept a close eye on their charges, and although extremely tame, they made sure no humans got close enough to actually grab one of the little ones (tempting as that might have been).  Thank heavens for the telephoto lens.  I’m willing to give up some sharpness in the photo to avoid the sharpness of dad’s beak.

Every so often, the little ones peeked over the grass to make sure mom and dad were nearby:

After awhile, mom had enough of the clicking camera and led her young back to the water.

I tried to get a photo of them swimming away, but it simply didn’t come out well enough to publish, nor did the photo of the other geese flying overhead.  Maybe next time.  I understand from one of the people I met on the path that those geese return to the same spot every year, so there should be plenty of opportunities for pictures.

Bet you can hardly wait.

Since I won’t be posting again until next week, I want to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day.  May the day be filled with happiness and peace for all of you.

I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Facebook or Twitter pages, or email me at cordeliasmom2012@yahoo.com
Images by Cordelia’s Mom

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21 Responses to Rain, Rain, Go Away

  1. ksbeth says:

    We are having pretty much the same weather here


  2. Sounds like a typical spring these days! We had a miserable spring, and now we have been catapulted right into summer. So hot today that my newly planted annuals wilted. Kind of disturbing!


  3. simplywendi says:

    the geese are so adorable! 🙂


  4. Tippy Gnu says:

    Thank you. Although I’m not a mother, I’ve been accused of being a muther before, and that’s close enough. Happy Mother’s Day to you!


  5. joey says:

    Oh how sweet! What a great share! Lovely photos!
    I normally get out there this weekend, too. I love to play in the dirt, but it’s not exactly inspiring weather :/
    Happy Mother’s Day 🙂


  6. We’ve had nothing but rain and cool temps. The lawn is a swamp that we can’t even try to mow although it resembles a shaggy beast now. Had frost the other morning so no planting for me quite yet.. a few potted pansies are tiding me over.


  7. willowdot21 says:

    Lovely Photos well-done 💜


  8. And a very happy Mother’s day to you do! Those goslings are just adorable.


  9. markbialczak says:

    Thanks for sharing your nice day with us, CM. I have been squeezing as many photos I can into our little windows of good weather. I hope you had a great Mother’s Day, my friend.


    • Mother’s Day was wonderful, Mark, and we did get those flowers in. Of course, now it’s gotten really chilly and rainy again. Even the weatherman on the radio said he was sick of it.


  10. Pingback: Hawk Eyes | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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