Fickle Fans


Which is more important – blogging or life?

I used to post at least twice a week, sometimes more if those burning ideas came to me.  At that time, I had a good 9-to-5 job with enough down time that I could jot ideas onto sticky notes, or (if the boss was away) maybe even upload a post.

But apparently God is against me these days.  The closet desk at my new job is open to view by anyone walking by and has a gigantic computer monitor, so no way would I attempt accessing WordPress at work.  Even if I had any down time.  Which I don’t.  I’m lucky just to get a lunch hour.

Consequently, I’m limited to weekend posting.

Hence the subject of today’s post —



My stats have dropped dramatically.  Some days I don’t even get double-digit views.  (Yet, my follower number continues to climb – that discrepancy is something I haven’t been able to figure out.)


I know readers have busy lives of their own, and I know that the minute the published-post frequency declines, WordPress stops highlighting a blogger in the Reader.  Very new, baby bloggers are highlighted, presumably as a way to push them out into the blogosphere – and extremely well-established and prolific bloggers are highlighted, presumably as a way to suck up (well, except for really huge bloggers like Opinionated Man– his readership is so big that the WordPress deities are afraid of him).

But those of us in the middle?  Just like being middle income in the good old USA, we are the forgotten class.

At least, that’s  my opinion, and I’m sticking with it.

So, where is anyone?  Don’t you all love me any more?  Aren’t you all sitting eagerly by your computers just waiting for my Saturday or Sunday post?  Why am I here, if not to entertain you?

(Oh, lordy – Not CM, get out of my head and off my computer!)


Part of my recent publication dirth is caused by my inability to go out and take photos to go with posts, and I must have photos with my posts.  Before-work photography is not an option, lunch time is spent running home to let Puppy Cody out and cram some cheese and deli turkey into my mouth, and after work, there are just too many other duties.  Never mind, that it’s starting to get dark earlier now.

Weekend photography is all that’s left.  Some weekends. however, are filled with unexpected events that preclude photo shoots.

But no more excuses.  I intend to start making every effort to somehow come up with ideas and photos (even if I have to go back to borrowing pictures from other photographers).

I will get my readers back.



Now, I just need some ideas.  Anyone got some they can send my way?  What would you like me to write about?

Anyone  want to guest post for me?  Just send me an email.  I love my guest posters.

(and now I’m all worn out again –  this blogging thing is soooo hard!)


I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Facebook or Twitter pages, or email me at


Images by Cordelia’s Mom


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71 Responses to Fickle Fans

  1. This reader is still here. 😊

    I’d guest post. Have any subject matter in mind?


    • I’d love to have you guest post – you have a dog and a teddy bear! 🙂 Pretty much any subject is ok, except for pornography or poetry (I know, that’s an odd combination). Whenever you get a draft post ready, just send it to me (in Word format) at . Include photos if you can, but if the photos aren’t your own work, be sure they are Creative Commons or non-copyrighted, and included links to the original photo site. I’m looking forward to getting your draft, I know it’s going to be excellent!


  2. No ideas for more posts, but I actually have more time to read bloggers on the weekend, since I don’t get paid if I’m not producing. No boss to pay me while I whittle away my days on the web. So, I may actually read more posts in a more timely manner, since the ones that come in during the week that I put aside to “read later” often get lost.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Jim says:

    it’s kind of a slow month. I figure it all goes in cycles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It has been a slow month, and I think it was probably slow round this time last year, too. I just get nervous when those views start dropping, especially when my posts have become sporadic. So afraid of losing readership! Good to know you’re still here, Jim. Thanks!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Dan Antion says:

    I have been able to gather a lot of photos while walking our dog. Maybe Puppy Cody can help you find some interesting sights. In any case, I still get your email notifications and I’m not going anywhere.


  5. candygai says:

    I still love you. I think the time period around the end of Summer and when it isnt Christmas is a
    low-point in productivity and communications. In Seattle, to completely rip-off and misquote the Narnia Chronicles, this time of year it is always Yucky Fall; but never Delightfully Cold Christmas. So, this may apply only to be. I think vssomethingspeaks just told me the other day that she was bored and looking for something else to add to her list. Perhaps there is something she can find to do with her red squirrel-imposter pal. And, she has a friend, who impersonates a darling girl animal on social media. The friend lives in North America; in a a state that starts with a “V”. She does interesting stuff professionally; it kind of conflicts. She is loads of fun and makes beautiful tomato tarts this time of year. Perhaps vv might ask her for a picture and the recipe. Or better yet, she might share an old Fezbook post. Off to Whirl.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. socialbridge says:

    I’m here, I’m here!
    Worry not and get settled into the job.
    I’d love to hear all the scandal from there!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Tippy Gnu says:

    As a new follower I can’t pat myself on the back for being loyal to you. I will say that some of my favorite bloggers are those who post infrequently. I prefer quality over quantity. I hate reading big long posts full of poorly-thought-out fill material, day after day. Just post when the inspiration hits you, even if it’s only once a month. Maybe you’ll be surprised with how quickly the View stats shoot up on those rare post days.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Or I can just use a post title like “My Balls Are Bigger Than Yours” and gets tons of views – only to amuse the readers when all they see is a photo of some basketballs next to some tennis balls. 🙂 People are so silly!

      PS: I was very pleased to note that you had begun following me. You’re excused from the loyalty requirement since you’re so new, but I’m sure you’ll become loyal in time. (pats own self on back)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Paul says:

    I owe NCM a post but between computer problems and hospitals I’m behind. Apologies.


  9. I can give you MY take on it. Most people, including me, only visit when we get some kind of notification that there’s a new post. So if you used to post 7 times a week and now, only once, even if every follower visits you each time you post, you will only have 1/7 the number of views you had before.

    When I post 1 or 2 posts rather than my typical three (two photo, one more or less writing), the numbers drop by about 1/3. No matter what anyone says, the number of views is directly linked to the number of posts, unless you are one of the famous people who have millions of followers. The rest of us, even with the most loyal fans, will only have traffic if we publish something. Otherwise, well, I’m so overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I’m committed to doing and don’t have the time to do, it will take me a few weeks to notice that I haven’t been getting notifications. I’ve been posting less … and getting fewer views as a result. I’ve decided I don’t care. Much. Also, I’ve been recruiting other people to write regularly because I really can’t keep up this pace on my own. Even with help, I think I can’t keep it up. I’m surprised anyone who works full time manages to blog at all.

    But it isn’t that we don’t love you. We love you. A lot!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for putting it all in perspective, Marilyn. You are right, of course. My views on days a post publishes haven’t changed, just the overall weekly and monthly views. And my follower count has been climbing quite quickly the last few weeks – who knows why, but I’m pleased. I remember when 2 views in one day were exciting! As for you, you know I read every post you publish, no matter how far between, and the people who have been taking up the slack for you are excellent, too. No real fear of your readership dropping!


  10. Victo Dolore says:

    I miss your more frequent posts but if it helps, I will click on your blog every day to help keep your numbers up.


    • Sure, as if you don’t have anything better to do – um, like raising kids and treating patients. If I get desperate, I can go on my tablet or my husband’s laptop, or my kids’ computers (maybe even the work computer, if no one’s looking), and drive up those views. I might even be able to then convince myself that those stats are accurate.

      You’re so sweet, Victo. I love how you jumped right in with a solution. If you ever need me to, I’ll return the favor – but somehow I suspect that your readership is never going to drop, even for a day.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Victo Dolore says:

        Oh, it does drop. I was averaging 220 likes for post there about 6 months ago ish


      • Victo Dolore says:

        Dang. Hit reply too early. Now I am getting 160-180. So many friends have stopped blogging. It makes me sad.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Well, gee, that really doesn’t help. I have never, ever gotten that many likes on any one post. (reaches for nearest wine bottle …)

          Liked by 1 person

          • Victo Dolore says:

            I know. It seems silly to complain, doesn’t it? But rest assured that no matter how many readers you have, you will never outgrow those feelings of vulnerability.


          • On a normal day when I publish a few posts, it’s between 250 and 350, but sometimes for no apparent reason it spikes or drops. I have learned to not worry about it an neither should you. The overall “view” count is less important that how engaged your followers are. Do they comment? Do they really read what you write or just click “like” and move on? I sometimes just click “like” if I’m pressed for time or really just don’t have anything to say, but I try to comment. But sometimes, I just don’t have time. Some weeks are busier than others … and I’m NOT working, so I don’t know how you do it.

            It’s hard to break yourself of trying to understand what the stats mean. Eventually you will realize they don’t mean very much. And aren’t very accurate, either.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Actually, Marilyn, my readers are pretty engaged. The percentage of comments I get when compared to the total readership is relatively high. But damn, it’s so hard to NOT pay attention to the stats – I do the same think with my Flickr account, and then I get upset when the views on my Flickr photos is way higher than my views on WordPress. Guess I do have that competitive gene that I always thought wasn’t part of me!


              • These days, the only time I look is when it’s unusually up or down. If it’s anything close to normal, I ignore it and I don’t check. It’ll make you crazy. One day I got 1000 hits and it turn out that 800 of them were my son’s friends looking at HIS pictures which I had published THREE YEARS AGO. It really WILL make you crazy.


  11. My stats have been all over the place lately but I’m still here and you still come up in my reader! Keep at it, Cody pictures welcome!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Elyse says:

    Whatever works for you — don’t sweat it!


  13. Lots of my favorite bloggers have quit, not sure why. It might be this time of year ? Any way, I’m so happy with the conversations generated in the comments…that’s gold to me. So much more valuable than stats, which I never really trusted anyway. Hang in there, CM, we’re still here. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  14. joey says:

    I don’t follow or understand stats very well. They don’t seem true. Or somethin, I dunno, cause numbers and whatnot.
    You write, I’ll read. I write anyway. Blogging is half my sanity, I swear.


  15. Al says:

    I love ya.

    Stats are weird. I once had over 25 pages viewed from places all over the world – and one visit. SO stats aren’t always on the spot.

    Don’t worry, your faithful are still here. I have some people occasionally follow blog I discontinued two years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Trent Lewin says:

    Hey I’m reading and listening. The reader count goes up because people randomnly hit follow in hopes that you’ll follow them back. But you know, life is pretty crazy, you just roll with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. adamjasonp says:

    I read directly from the Reader with some reluctance to go further than that (time is money, and money is time), and I wonder if the Reader even computes into the view count. That, and RSS feeds, reading from mail but not visiting— considering the time it takes to load the page or data costs over mobile. There are a number of possible reasons. If the number of Likes for a post ever exceeds views, you’ll know that the WP view count is unreliable. (It probably isn’t.)

    Recently, I found just how few people show when a post fails to show up in the reader. It was due to a glitch in Publishing between dates (the post “slug” was put on the previous day). So I rescheduled, and the numbers totaled out like normal.

    Anyway. I’m glad I followed your lovely blog; pictures or not, I’m always curious what you posted. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m pretty sure that people viewing a post through the Reader don’t count in the stats unless they actually click through to the post itself. For all I know, there could be a million people reading my stuff (I wish) but WP just isn’t counting them. I’m glad you followed me, too – people who take the time to comment are especially appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Hi CM, don’t get ecSTATic over the stats. I still love you and your blog. So, hang in there and keep blogging!(♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡


  19. Pingback: Two Thumbs Up Tuesday: (9/27) | Not the Average Mama

  20. My stats are super weird lately too. I tend to care about them WAY more than I should. I am still here though, no worries. I would be happy to Guest Post for you if you are interested. Let me know what you want me to write about 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Don’t get discouraged. Stats are unreliable and nutty right now – who knows what is going on -( not to mention the people who read “private” and leave no tracks). And so many have stopped blogging – only to be replaced by businesses and people with products/services to peddle just traveling around “liking” and subscribing to build their viewership.
    When I post, stats are pretty normal, if I take a break, they go down and it’s a bit to go back up as you let people know you are blogging again. Reading and commenting on other blogs will build stats, but it’s time consuming and honestly, I like to read and comment because the post is intriguing, not just leave a one word comment to ask for a pity return visit HA HA
    I’ve just given up on the stats thing. Just going with the fun chatting with bloggers I enjoy


    • I’m with you all the way. I only comment on posts that have given me a reason to comment, and if I click “like” it’s because I enjoyed the post but maybe don’t have a comment because everyone else already said what I’d say. I never “like” a post for the sake of getting return views, nor do I automatically go look at the blogs of everyone who has “liked” one of my posts. I wish I could totally ignore the stats – blogging for the fun of it should be enough! – but I’m afraid it’s a wee flaw in my personality. Ah well.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Sometimes, I really don’t HAVE anything to say. I just don’t. Except “nice picture” or “good post” and somehow, that seems … you know. Lame.


    • Not lame. I’m quite content with receiving those types of comments, especially from those readers I know are being sincere. I do that, too. Sometimes, I want to leave a comment but can’t think of a long one, and I don’t want to simply click “like” so I just say something like “Awesome post!” Sometimes on more serious posts, I might comment “Amen.” Anything, just to let the other blogger know I’ve read and appreciated the post.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. ladyryl says:

    I get email notifications and come by to read as soon as I am able… I’ll take whatever you can manage dear…


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