31 Years; A Marriage Album

This is exactly what it says it is – an album of snippets from a wonderful, strong marriage. It made me laugh at times, and brought tears to my ears at other times. Please join me in wishing Jeffrey King and his wife, Julie, a very happy 31st anniversary!

(Comments are closed here – please leave comments on the original site.)

Jeffrey H. King's Blog

Julie and I have been married 31 years. It’s hard to believe!  Not because of any problems, but because that’s just a long time!  A lot can happen in 31 years!

There was our oldest daughter, due the December after the wedding and our desire to be in a house by then. There was a backlog of housing inspections for loans, and it didn’t look good.  Julie worked downtown at the bank, and “happened” to run into the loan manager.  With the promise of a plate of Toll House cookies, we went to the head of the line and moved part way in on December 20.

That night in our apartment – after the phone had been shut off (pre-cell phones, youngsters) – we went to bed. Not 5 minutes later, Julie’s water broke.  Apparently God enjoys a good laugh every now and then.

Julie had Hillary by Caesarean the…

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