Feeling the Love!


Sometimes when you least expect it, and when you need it most, someone does something nice for you.

This was the case earlier this week when I was feeling just a bit down after having checked my stats and realized that although my follower number is increasing, my Google Page rank had dropped significantly (I’d like to think it’s only because so many people are paying more attention to political sites these days.)

Miranda Sings AwardAnyway, suddenly a ping-back notice appeared, and I always check ping-backs.  Imagine my delight to learn that Laura from Riddle In The Middle had nominated me for The Miranda Sings Award, created by Claudia’s Thoughts!

I’m honored to accept (Thank you, Laura!), and will do my best to comply with the rules, which are:

1. Announce the award with a post and link the blogger who nominated you.

2. Include the featured image on your blog post.

3. Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your awardees in the post.

4. List 7 things you love about yourself (eg. appearance, personality, achievements, etc.).

5. Describe yourself in a positive manner. Don’t use negative connotations.

So here goes.  I’ve already complied with #1 and #2.  I’ll leave #3 for the end because I need to think on that a bit.

Rules #4 and #5 are probably the most difficult for someone like me.  I seldom give any personal information about myself, and considering that I have created Not CM, the evil alter-ego, it’s going to be hard to avoid negative connotations.  But I’ll try.

Seven [positive] things about me:

♥  While I used to dread growing old, I find that being within a year or two of retirement, I’m now actually enjoying the freedom of being a senior citizen.  I can wear whatever I want, go out or stay in as I please (well, except for having to spend time at work, still), and if I accidentally say something somewhat inappropriate, people just attribute it to oncoming senility.

♥  I am an animal lover.  If I could do anything in this life that I wished, it would be to have enough land to take in everyone else’s unwanted pets.  I have experience with fish, turtles, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters and dogs.  While I’ve never had a cat, I’m sure I could learn.  I might, however, draw the line at snakes and tarantulas.

♥  I love meeting other bloggers!  So far I have personally dined with the Grumpy Old Dude from Archon’s Den and with Amy Rose of Petals Unfolding.  Plans are currently in the works for meetings with three other bloggers (no, I’m not saying who or when – you’ll just have to wait for the posts!).  If I had enough money, I would travel the world and meet every one of you, but alas, my funds are limited.  (Anyone want to start a Go Fund Me for Cordelia’s Mom’s international travels?  🙂 )

♥  My eyes are green.  You can’t tell that from the About page.  Just in case you were wondering.

♥  I’m a better driver than I pretend to be when writing posts.  I know that any of you living in the Western New York area are especially glad to hear that and will now freely embark from home without first Googling “Where is Cordelia’s Mom right now?”



♥  I have recently discovered that, due to my ongoing Remicade treatments, I can again eat moderate amounts of chocolate!  And drink a glass or so of wine each day!  Life. Is. Good!!

♥  My photography is steadily improving (but don’t judge by the images in this post!).  It’s amazing what you can teach yourself if you really have an interest.  Same with writing.  Lesson learned?  Never, ever give up a dream.  Put it on hold for awhile if you have to, but never lose hope of obtaining it.

And now for the part that everyone has been waiting for (you can stop skimming now). 

My nominees for The Miranda Sings Award are as follows. With the exception of the first one (who probably has more followers than any of us, even though he doesn’t own a blog himself!), I’m limiting nominations to blogs with less than 1,000 followers (according to WordPress), to bring attention to them.


  1. Paul Curran of Julie No Blog (Please hold your applause until th end.  Thank you.)
  2. Pensitivity101
  3. Typical Tracy
  4. Roamin’ Gnomials
  5. Daddy Come Lately
  6. New Bloggy Cat
  7. Get Off My Lawn
  8. Just Plain Ol’ Vic
  9. Social Bridge
  10. In the Zone

Wasn’t that fun?  Now it’s your turn.


I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Facebook or Twitter pages, or email me at cordeliasmom2012@yahoo.com or notcordeliasmom@aol.com


Miranda Sings Award image by Claudia’s Thoughts; other images by Cordelia’s Mom


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39 Responses to Feeling the Love!

  1. willowdot21 says:

    Did you get my emails 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. joey says:

    Congrats! 🙂
    I had all along been wondering about the color of your eyes 😉 lol
    I have a friend who grew up with dogs, and who has only ever had dogs. She lived with me and my cat briefly, but she more or less avoided my cat. She’d ask me, “Why is she rubbing on me?” or “Why does she look at me like that?” When another friend moved half the earth away, her cat was too aged to make the journey, and my friend took the cat. She said to me, “Oh I can’t wait til you get here, you can teach me to speak cat!” We had such a funny visit then!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Prior-01 says:

    oh how super cool to fine my blog on the list (super sweet and unexpected indeed) – so thanks and I accept. Is it okay if get back with you late r- I am taking off the month of March – ❤


  4. Prior-01 says:

    also – what a heart you have to want to take in all those pets!! 🙂


  5. Elyse says:

    Congrats, CM! I’m wondering if we are in the blogging doldrums — people seem to be writing less and reading less! I certainly am doing less of both.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Karen J says:

    Congratulations! 🙂


  7. AmyRose🌹 says:

    It was fun reading a little about you, CM. I’m so happy you can again eat chocolate and have some wine too!!! Exciting! I have your little gift you gave me on my entertainment center and even if it is a Christmas ornament, it is still out. Every time I look at it, I think of you and our lunch. I no longer have a congested nose so I don’t think I would have the um problem I had when I ordered that French Onion Soup. LOL Hang in there! Spring is almost here!!! ❤ ❤ ❤


  8. I think it is cool you have met some real bloggers in person. That sounds awesome! 🙂


  9. Just Plain Ol' Vic says:

    Congrats and thank you so much for the nod. Loved your answers!


  10. I haven’t been making the time to check out blogs as often lately. Too much work and school and more work and more school and people dying and having to take care of their stuff. Sigh. Time to go back to making time for reading and enjoying people’s blogs, because I’m missing out! Congratulations on the award. 🙂


  11. Congrats, CM! Just want you to know that you’re the first person I know who has green eyes. And many thanks for the nomination. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°


  12. Vicky V says:

    I loved reading 7 things about you 🙂


  13. Pingback: The Miranda Sings Award – Just Plain Ol' Vic

  14. Pingback: Photo of the Month – February 2016 – Voting Reminder | A Mixed Bag

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