Because You Asked

Maybe it’s my mom reaching out to me from heaven.  I have been thinking about her a lot.

Maybe it’s fate intervening.

Or maybe it’s just because I’m that good a writer.

But in any event, recently a number of people have indicated that they would like to see more of my “Where’s Teddy Rosalie?” posts.

Far be it from me to ignore my readers’ wishes.

So, Teddy Rosalie will, in fact, be going out more.  But first she needed a bath because she got rather dusty sitting on that high shelf for so long.


Puppy Cody was so excited when I brought Teddy Rosalie down– until she realized there was a sink full of water and bubbles waiting (the bathtub is too large for a tiny teddy bear).  After noticing that “bath,” Cody made herself scarce – just in case.

Teddy Rosalie is now nice and clean.  I was going to take her grocery shopping with me today, but she’s still too wet, and it’s near freezing outside.  Don’t need any tiny teddy bear sniffles, do we?

Teddy Rosalie and I are looking forward to some new adventures.  I hope you are, too!

Hugs, all.


I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Twitter page (@cordeliasmom), or email me at
Images by Cordelia’s Mom/TeddyRosalieStudio

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5 Responses to Because You Asked

  1. ladyryl says:

    Oh my, poor Cody and the bath scare… *Laughs*
    I look forward to seeing and ready your new adventures!!!


  2. willowdot21 says:

    Hooray that’s great news ..Vlad is excited too 💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

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