Going to Ground

I’ve had it with the working world.

Winter is coming, I don’t feel well, and I simply can’t face doing it any more.  After only three days of work, which includes a stressful commute to and from, I need the next four days to recover.  Then I do it all again the following week.  I’m too old for this.  It’s time to retire fully.

So, even though I told the boss to do it, it was still somewhat unnerving to see my job posted on an employment agency website.  Sure, I suggested he might want to hire someone to not only replace me but also cover the open position created by the secretary who left back in April, and yes, I did indicate that I couldn’t guarantee I would make it to the end of the year due to my current health, and yes, I was emphatic that I could not continue to cover both positions (one full-time and one part-time) even if my health miraculously improved.

But still, seeing that ad gave me a little jolt.

At least until I realized it’s to my advantage.  I can continue in my current job for as long as I wish in order to train a new employee and to help the associate attorney close out her files so that she, too, can retire.  And at the end of the day, I will know that I didn’t leave anyone in the lurch.  The new employee, assuming he or she works out, should be able to handle the remaining managing attorney until such time as he also decides to retire – which probably isn’t going to  be anytime soon.  It could be valuable job experience for a younger employee, or an excellent way for a more mature employee to stretch out his or her remaining work years.

Hopefully, a win-win for everone.

Teddy Rosalie likes books. too.

Meanwhile, I’m looking for ways to cut expenses in light of my pending drop in income.  Hubby suggested maybe I could stop buying so many books.  Say what?  Reading is one of the few pleasures I have left, and due to his fear of catching diseases from strangers, he doesn’t want me to start getting books from the local library.  So, book purchases through Amazon or other online retailers will continue, and I’ll find some other way to save pennies.  Hopefully, since my unemployment will mean less gas for the car, no work lunches, and no need to spend money on work clothes, that will somewhat offset the cost of my reading addiction (and let’s not forget the yarn for my crocheting addiction).

Wish me luck, folks.  A new phase of my life is about to begin.


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Images by Cordelia’s Mom/TeddyRosalieStudio

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18 Responses to Going to Ground

  1. Carol says:

    We all get to that point sooner or later. As to books – perhaps you might consider getting a tablet and digital books – or check to see if your library offers digital books. Some of them do now. I have an iPad, but there are tablets that are less costly, and a subscription to Kindle Unlimited is around $10.00 a month which gives access to a lot of books, if you read a lot. I’ve found it quite worthwhile.


  2. willowdot21 says:

    Well I am so pleased to hear that you are ready to retire because I have seen from your blog that you really have been struggling. Good luck to you and hubby , stay safe happy 💜💜💜


  3. ladyryl says:

    I am glad that you are retiring for the sake of your health…

    There is also a site called Bookbub that will send you emails for discounted or free Ebooks. Just pick your provider, your genre(s) and they will send you a list per day of free or cheap books.
    I also second Kindle Unlimited, it is worth the money if you read a lot.

    Take care of yourself and hopefully the right person comes along soon!!


  4. I do indeed wish you luck. As for reading, there are always charity shops though titles will be far from current, or maybe someone shares your taste in books and you can swap.


  5. Dan Antion says:

    Sounds like it’s a good time to close that chapter. I hope the process goes smoothly.


    • It was going smoothly until I realized I forgot to cancel the automatic renewal on my YouPic account and got charged several hundred dollars, plus the foreign transaction fee. Bummer. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen next year (may as well use the account for the year as I already paid for it.)

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Does your library have e-books to borrow? I know, I know. I prefer print books and have gotten books from the library all my life. But my library system has e-books that you can borrow for free, so maybe that will take up at least a little of the slack?

    Bob T. Panda yourbrainonpandas@gmail.com

    Making the world a better place, one panda at a time… https://yourbrainonpandas.com



    • Big no on digital books, at least for me. I really like the feel of turning paper pages. But I recalculated my proposed budget this morning, and I believe I can just squeak by, even if I continue to purchase my books.


  7. Pingback: Seeing a Little More Light at the End of the Tunnel | Cordelia's Mom, Still

  8. Pingback: A Little Help From My Friends | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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