A Little Help From My Friends

Last night, I dreamed I returned to my pre-retirement job.

No, it wasn’t a nightmare, but it also isn’t something that’s going to happen.  I’m loving not having to set my alarm, and having nowhere I need to be at any particular time on any particular day (well, except for medical appointments, of course).

So, sorry, former bosses – I am, in fact, permanently retired.

As noted in some of my prior posts, my only retirement concern is financial.  Trying to live only on Social Security is not easy, especially since the real estate taxes went up again this year.  Knowing things would be a bit difficult, I stocked up on many essentials prior to quitting my job:  things like yarn, books, my favorite soap and shampoo, and household items like cleaning supplies and canned goods – pretty much anything non-perishable which I knew I would evetually use up.

Yarn and books were my main concern.  They are expensive, and there would be no stretch in the budget to accommodate them.  Reading and crocheting are the main activities to keep me entertained now that I no longer go to an office.

Imagine my surprise when I recently received a text from a colleague with whom I worked a number of years ago.  Her sister, who was a  crocheter, had died and my friend was cleaning out her personal effects.  There was “some yarn” in her sister’s house, would I like to have it?

Say what? Of course I’d take any yarn I could get my hands on!

Imagine my further surprise when “some yarn” arrived at my house:  there were 5 huge bags with an incredible assortment of various weights of yarn, including crochet thread, and there were even needlework tools, like needles and hooks!

I won’t have to find room in my limited budget for yarn for a very long time.  Heck, just going through those bags and sorting everything out will keep me occupied for quite awhile.

Awesome, isn’t it?  Even my husband commented on the incredible timing.  While my friend knew I had retired, there’s no way she could have known that I was fretting about being able to afford my yarn.

BTW, this is the same friend who helped me out previously by taking custody of my mother’s piano when I realized it would not fit in my new house. I cried when the piano movers were loading it onto the truck, but my sadness was eased knowing that piano would be loved by it’s new owner as much as I had loved it.

I will see that the newly received yarn is treated with the love it deserves.  Since most of my finished projects are donated to local charities, my friend’s kindness will be extended  beyond only me.  “Legacy Needlework” has taken on a whole new meaning.

Hugs, all.


I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Twitter page (@cordeliasmom), or email me at cordeliasmom2012@yahoo.com
Images by Cordelia’s Mom/TeddyRosalieStudio


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11 Responses to A Little Help From My Friends

  1. Anonymous says:

    Truly manna from heaven!


  2. markbialczak says:

    Life is good when friends give in unexpected ways, CM.


    • markbialczak says:

      And even though I’ve been retired for more than a year now, I’ll also chime in with … no charge at your local library to check out books …


      • I still have my library card, Mark, but I stopped going to the library after COVID. Hubby got all freaked out not only that I could be exposed to some sick patron, but that the books themselves could carry germs. I may return, though, once I find I can no longer afford to buy my own books, hopefully not anytime soon.


        • markbialczak says:

          Working at the library during the teeth of the COVID crisis, CM, I had to trust the reports that told me the books would not transmit the disease. In retirement, I still return about once a week to keep my stock of novels up. You have to feel safe your way!

          Liked by 1 person

    • And it’s even better that I’ve been using that donated yarn to make hats and blankets that I then donate to a local women’s shelter. I think about my friend’s sister with every project I complete using that yarn.


  3. Pingback: Let’s Play Catch-Up | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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