Call Out to An Old Friend

Hopefully, you know I mean you, and you’re actually reading this post.

You recently joined Branded Surveys, most likely through the link in my last post. I was so surprised, and pleased, to see your name pop up in the notifications on that site.  I wanted to send you a message to thank you and to catch up since it’s been so many years, but was unable to find you on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.  Send me an email ( – we simply have to reminisce about that old grouch we both knew!


So, everyone else is asking, how are things going with you, CM?

Pretty much same old, same old.  Still some pain in my right leg, and I’ve now decided to use a cane whenever I’m walking in public to, hopefully, avoid any embarrassing falls.  Plus, a cane can come in handy for other uses, like pulling something off the top shelf at the grocery store, or knocking someone else out of the way who might reach for the very last one of an item I want (not that I would ever actually do that, but the thought does cross my mind occasionally).

Most of my day is spent doing those paid surveys I spoke about previously.  It’s not a lot of money, and it’s somewhat sporadic – some days there are a lot of surveys and some days there are few, if any.  But all in all, I’ve managed to pay for several Amazon orders using points I’ve earned from the surveys.  Heck, I can either sit around playing videogames all day, or I can sit around earning a few dollars answering silly questions.  Easy decision, right?

Some of the surveys are actually fun.  Considering the current political climate, there have been a lot of political ads to review and rate.  I can’t give specifics, of course, but I must say some of the ads are downright amusing.  And I get a bit of a thrill when a news station reports that the “most recent polls say …,”  knowing I was part of those polls.

I get booted off a lot of the surveys due to age, or the fact that I don’t shop much and never travel, but then again, some of the polls actually want the opinions of us senior citizens.  Hard to believe, isn’t it?

It’s a bit of a crap shoot.   I say that because I don’t want friends who have joined me to  become discouraged if they don’t suddenly become rich doing paid surveys.  Don’t forget: I literally can sit at the computer all day and catch every questionnaire that comes my way.  Even then, the payoffs are only enough to provide pin money, for books or other small items.  I’m ok with that; it’s money that I don’t have to take out of my very limited monthly budget.

Which budget is strained to the max at the moment.

I managed to bring the auto insurance premium back down by uploading the defensive driving certificates, increasing the deductible, and submitting a form attesting to my significantly reduced mileage now that I no longer work – but the premium will still be higher this coming year than it was last year.  As will pretty much every other bill I pay, while my income is fixed.

I don’t know how young families with children are surviving in today’s economy. Housing costs, health care expenses, and food prices are horrendous.  To those of you who are living paycheck to paycheck and  barely managing to feed and clothe yourself and your kids: you have my total sympathy.  I wish I could help you, but I’m struggling, too.

Of course, it could be much, much worse.  I just keep reminding myself of those years, long ago, when I was happy to have $5 left at the end of the month, or if I didn’t have $5 cash, at least there was that much room left on one of the credit cards.  It was no way to live then, and I hope to not have to start living that way again now.  I never was much of a fan of Ramen noodles …

But I do keep canned goods and household essentials stocked up, just in case.

May life wherever you are be treating you kindly.

Hugs, all.


I love to hear from my readers. You may comment on this post, comment on my Twitter page (@cordeliasmom), or email me at
Image by Cordelia’s Mom/TeddyRosalieStudio


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5 Responses to Call Out to An Old Friend

  1. markbialczak says:

    May life treat you well, CM. It’s not easy, I agree.


  2. Dan Antion says:

    The next time I hear survey results, I’ll think of you. Getting by is getting harder. The insurance surprise hit everyone this year. I don’t know how they justify that.


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