
It only took nine months, but the fence installation has begun!

Puppy Cody will be so pleased to chase the bunnies and squirrels.

In hindsight, it’s just as well that the first fence contractor stiffed us last year.  At that point, we had only met the neighbors on either side of us, and both those families are normal.

The lady behind us, however, is not.

At 6:30 am on Easter Sunday, I took Cody out on leash to do her business.  We walked the perimeter, and she decided to “go” along the back property line.  We were fully on our property, but the lady behind has some kind of flower garden which encroaches several inches onto my land.  Unfortunately, Cody was in that encroached area.

Where Cody peed. My land starts at the end of that fence. The “garden” is over the line.

Miss Loony Tunes came running out of her house, in pajamas and curlers, screaming at me to get the dog off her plants.  Really, I didn’t even realize they were “plants” – they looked like dead weeds to me.  I simply responded, “Ok, and you stop your dog from pooping in my yard.”  (Yes, her dog runs loose, and we have found piles well inside our yard.)

She started to reply, and Puppy Cody and I simply walked away.  No way am I getting into some kind of confrontation on Easter Sunday, especially when I’m not even fully awake.

The next day, I called the fence contractor and changed our order.  What was originally going to be a four-foot fence all the way around, will now be six feet along that back line. (Lesson – never piss off Cordelia’s Mom.)

I’m glad I made that call.  Over Memorial Day weekend, we watched Loony and her teenage sons climb all over, putting in new flowers, shrubs, etc. – and they were doing it from my side of the line!  At one point, we watched them relaxing on my lawn.  We didn’t even feel comfortable going out to do our own yard work because we didn’t want a confrontation.

Now we understood why the chain link fence which was along the back line when we first looked at the house had been removed at some point last spring.  She wanted to expand her garden onto the adjoining property.

Beginning of the 6-foot fence.

It was difficult not to say anything, but we knew the fence work was starting on Tuesday.  We decided to let Loony do all that work and be surprised when she learned that from here on, she will have to tend the garden from her side of the fence.  It won’t be easy for her, poor thing, but maybe next time Loony will think before she ticks off her neighbor.

Guess I can understand why there’s a fairly new six-foot vinyl fence between her property and her northerly neighbor.  Looks like there may be issues there, as well.

At any rate, that back line is a couple of hundred feet from my house, so once the fence is up, we’ll no longer have any dealing with Miss Loony Tunes.  We’ll put a privacy screen against the chain link to block the view.  Problem solved!

Already looking good, isn’t it?  Once the concrete sets, the chain link will go up.

Only another five to seven days, and Puppy Cody can play!  I can hardly wait.

(Meanwhile, I’ve done some gardening of my own.  Can anyone tell me what the white flower is?  It grows on a bush and was here when we bought the house.  The Peruvian Lily is in a pot that we bought over the weekend.)

Name this flower – please?

Inticancha Romance Peruvian Lily


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Images by Cordelia’s Mom

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28 Responses to Finally!

  1. Tippy Gnu says:

    That flower is a “White Star Curlyfolia”. I think. I’m probably wrong, so you better check a reference book.

    I hope you ordered a roll of razor wire for the top of your six-foot fence. You might need it. And I hope everything is surveyed properly. That would be the pits if she could legally make you move the fence. Sheesh, what a neighbor.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We have a recent survey, and the fence is being constructed 3 inches inside of the survey lines, so we’re ok. Razor wire is tempting, but with my luck her kids will try to climb over, get cut, and sue me.

      I’ll check out the flower. Thanks for the info, Tippy.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Archon's Den says:

      Terri thought that your flower might be a miniature hydrangea. The flower balls, and individual florets, are about half the size of a regular hydrangea’s, and the whole plant is a bit smaller. We saw one today named Limetta. The flowers erupt as a lime-green and fade whiter as they open up. Yours seems more a gold/lemon shade. The leaves are similar. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jane says:

    You crack me up. Our neighbor put up a wooden privacy fence one day. It is a six footer. Their side of the property is higher than our as we have a bank coming down. So actually the fence is about eight feet or more. I was furious at first. But now I love it. They have not done anything to their yard accept remove all trees and bushes. Clearly they are not into gardening. They also have a terror of a German Shepard who tires to attack my little ones through the fence. Of course they growl back and run at the fence. Neighbors are a pain many times. I feel lucky the one behind us is nice. Nice flowers btw.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dan Antion says:

    “Good fences make good neighbors” – It’s an old saying that I didn’t appreciate until I replaced our dilapidated fence.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah, the fencing boundary! You may recall my post

    Whose fence is it?

    The repair is doing well, and nothing has come about regarding the broken fence post. There was however a knock on our door (forgot to padlock the gates) the other afternoon and our bottom neighbour was standing there with a bottle of wine in her hand.
    She thanked us for being so kind that day, so I accepted her gift with thanks and it’s gone in the cupboard. I’ve asked our other neighbours about her and apparently she keeps herself to herself and doesn’t normally socialise or talk to anyone other than her friend. Our fences are all solid, so all of us have our privacy.


    • Actually, I had missed that earlier post, so now I’ve caught up. Sounds like your neighbor was trying to “mend fences”, as it were, by offering some of her cherished wine. Hopefully, you can continue to be amicable, if not chummy. I’m sure you all want it that way.

      BTW, where I live, whoever erects the fence is responsible for maintaining it. No one else is legally allowed to touch it, to hang anything from it, nor attach anything to it. That’s why I make sure all my fences are fully on my own property.


      • We thought it was all to do with whoever had the posts on their side, but apparently not. Not that we’re worried. It’s our responsibility as dog owners to keep Maggie in, though it’s interesting to know that the back fence on our left is next door’s, but we’re responsible for it! We’re lucky in that our neighbours both sides are very pleasant, so it’s good to get on so well.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. lbeth1950 says:

    You do need a good fence. Cody will be glad.


  6. You keep reminding me of why living in the country is so much better than the suburbs! Everyone is simply too far away for there to be these kinds of issues. I am SO grateful.


  7. Looking good, CM. Ha! You may want to try the wet toilet roll trick on Miss Loony Tunes if she tries to be funny again. LOL! ฅ(*ΦωΦ*) ฅ


    • Naw, I think she’ll be upset enough when we put the privacy screen up against that 6-foot fence – along with a warning notice saying that anything she affixes to MY fence will be removed immediately. May she stew in peace.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes! ╭( ・ㅂ・)و )))

        Liked by 1 person

      • Archon's Den says:

        From your fence company, or most hardware/Lowes, etc. stores, you can get rolls of tough plastic ribbon which you weave through the fence strips, and clip, top and bottom, to produce a privacy screen. It might be quicker, easier and cheaper than a separate privacy screen. You could check it out. 🙂


        • The privacy screen we got is a solid plastic screen which attaches to the fence on at top and bottom and both sides, using either plastic ties or wire. I think it will be easier to install than weaving ribbons through the links, and it really wasn’t too expensive considering how well it will block our view of the neighbor’s yard, and her view of ours.


  8. joey says:

    Oh mercy. Neighbor troubles are SUCH troubles. I am so sorry. I’m guessing she’s an owner, too, and not likely to move. I know in your line of work, you know enough to mind your own and not escalate the Loon situation. Oof. Never a better time for a fence!


    • Actually, I looked up the property records and the County records and learned that she is a divorced woman, and that although her name is on the deed to that house, her parents bought it for her (they are “holding the mortgage”) after her divorce. Looks to me like she’s a princess with no concept of how to deal with others. In any event, the fence will solve that problem.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Thank You, Robert Frost | Cordelia's Mom, Still

  10. Pingback: Another Use for a Good Fence | Cordelia's Mom, Still

  11. Pingback: Wackadoodle | Cordelia's Mom, Still

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