We’ll Get There Yet


I was so excited on Wednesday when I received a call from my fence contractor that they could start work the next day!

Since Fridays are my off day at work, I asked if they could come today instead.

They did.  They arrived with the big truck and all the equipment.

But then the crew foreman and I walked the yard to clarify the exact location of the fencing and posts – and it quickly became apparent that, although the snow is gone, the ground is too soggy for them to work.  They could probably dig the posts, but their equipment would destroy the yard.

After consulting with hubby, it was decided that we must wait for spring.  Even though we really don’t want to.  But neither do we want to have yard damage repaired in the future.


Another month or so of walking Puppy Cody on leash.

For perspective, here’s a photo of the back yard taken last week – look how tiny hubby and Cody look because they’re so far away.


Spring can’t come soon enough!

Happy Friday, folks.


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Images by Cordelia’s Mom


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24 Responses to We’ll Get There Yet

  1. Better safe than sorry, and at least your contractor was considerate enough to tell you about possible machinery damage to your garden. We have just spent three hours putting in a fence post (just one, by hand with a shovel and spirit level) to support a post already there as it was rocking a bit too much in recent gales of 62mph. We had hoped to simply cement it in but discovered on digging down to do it someone had already tried but hadn’t used enough to support it. Rather than try and take it out, it was easier to put in another. Not only is it cemented in, it is also bolted in four places to the uprights of the fence! It ain’t goin’ anywhere!!!


  2. Do not feel bad, as a coach, teacher, and dad to what seems like 600 babies, all of my projects pretty much have to wait for summers when I am off. I feel your pain.


  3. Tippy Gnu says:

    Perhaps you should hire letter carriers to do this job. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will stay them from getting the job done.


  4. katrina877 says:

    I agree … spring can come any time


  5. And it’s only the middle of February with snow tomorrow. UGH. I keep thinking it’s gotta be OVER already!


  6. Jane says:

    I know how much you want to let Cody run. It will be soon. You will be glad you waited. Your yard in huge.


  7. markbialczak says:

    Here’s to eventual spring and the new fence coming for you, CM.


  8. AmyRose🌹 says:

    Wow you have a big backyard, CM!! No wonder you are really anxious to get that fence up as is Cody! Before you know it you’ll be looking back on these days as you enjoy your new fence. Hang in there!!! ☺️☺️☺️


    • I know it’s getting closer, Amy, but it’s so hard to wait. I’m looking forward not only to letting Cody run in the fenced-in yard, but also to being able to enjoy my yard this year. I may even do a little gardening. Couldn’t do that in the last place because I didn’t want to be outside near my loony neighbors.

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